Michelle Tang VA

Welcome to my website.
Are you a founder or small business owner?

Is your business expanding and you are feeling overwhelmed with wearing too many hats?

Are you looking for professional business and project support to ease the pressure?
Then you have come to the right place – I offer remote assistant services to support you in your business.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the admin tasks whilst trying to grow your business?


I can help and support you with this. Running and managing your own business by yourself is not easy – there is a lot to juggle, there’s only so many hours in the day and you feel like you’re running at capacity. Stress and burnout can cause you to fall out of love with your purpose. I know this too well as a former stress management coach.

By outsourcing your administrative tasks to a Virtual Assistant (VA), you increase your opportunity to spend more time and have the headspace to focus on what matters – growing your business and looking after your clients.

I take care of your administrative tasks – managing your overflowing inbox via email management, scheduling appointments, providing business support or undertaking a project. The aim is to lighten the load because you don’t need to do it all yourself.

Why work with a virtual assistant (VA)?

There are many advantages to hiring a VA and these are:

Only pay for the hours you need

No recruitment costs, NI contributions, benefits, sick pay and holiday pay

Avoid costly overheads ie IT equipment (and repairs) and office space

Delegate the tasks and projects you don’t have time to do

Help you to streamline processes

Bounce ideas off me / bring in a fresh pair of eyes

Supporting you and your business

I understand that every business has its unique structure, needs and customers. When you have a new client you work on building that trust and the working relationship, and like you, one of my main priorities is to get to know and understand the clients I work with so that I know exactly how best to support them.

My background spans over 16 years of administration, working for people at all levels and adapting to each team’s environment. You can be reassured that I am committed to delivering the highest standard of work to support you and your ongoing success.

I would love to discuss how I can support you – I offer a range of retainers and packages to suit each client’s different requirements and budget. Project rates and bespoke packages are also available on request.


Michelle is reliable and I could always count on her to deliver on time and with exceptional results. She set up my business social media accounts and created content to support my social media campaign. She's not just a skilled professional but also a friendly and delightful person to work with. I highly recommend her to anyone in need of a top VA!
Marta, Social Events Organiser