Frequently Asked Questions

Please complete the enquiry form on the contact page. Once I have received this I will send you a link to book a 15 minute free discovery call at a time that is convenient for you. During this call we will discuss your business goals and needs.

Following our call, I will email you a summary of our discussion. If you are happy to proceed with working together, a contract is agreed/exchanged. We will then book an on boarding call and that is when I start supporting you as your VA.

These are discussed during our discovery call/consultation, and if we agree to work together a contract is agreed/exchanged.

I am insured with Policy Bee and have professional indemnity. I am also registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Monthly retainers and packages are invoiced in advance and is payable within 7 days of the invoice date.

Project rates require 50% of the quote paid before work commences and once the work is completed the balance is invoiced accordingly and is payable within 7 days.

Ad hoc services are billed at the end of the month with a strict 7 day payment term.

Working with a VA is very flexible. I suggest to new clients to start off with the ad hoc service (charged by the hour). It is a helpful starting point for me to determine how long it takes to complete your tasks. Once there is an idea of the average amount of hours it takes, we can then discuss moving you on to a retainer or bespoke package.

Yes, if your requirements change you will need to notify me in writing one month in advance. Like I mentioned in the previous question, hiring a VA is very flexible and I work around your business needs.

I am committed to delivering on deadline. This will depend on the complexity and urgency of the task or projects. For most tasks it usually is between 24-48 hours. If it is project-based then the deadline will be agreed before the work commences.

Work for clients on retainer packages will take priority over clients requiring ad hoc services.

I use a time tracking tool and will send a weekly update to you.

Hours of business are billed to the closest 15 minutes.