
By the hour: I charge an hourly rate of £35 per hour. This is ideal if you require ad-hoc support and is also a good way of figuring out how long a task or set of tasks will take. With a background of over 16 years in administrative support, this means I am adept at getting things done quickly and usually people are surprised how much I can do in one hour! I track my time, round up or down to the nearest 15 minutes and send you a time report with your invoice so you can see a full breakdown of hours.

By the project: If you have a particular task that is a one-off then sometimes it is a easier to set a fixed price such as event coordination. An initial quote is given based on the scope of the project but can be subject to revision if the perimeters of the project later change.

Retainer: if you require ongoing administrative support and you would like to get a set amount of hours per month then a retainer would be a good option. You don’t need to worry about spiralling costs and extra hours can be added as needed. Retainers are available in 5, 10 or 20 hours per month.

Blocks: You can also purchase blocks of 5, 10 or 20 hours which can be used as and when you require.